
Two beacons of brotherhood in the world, Asia and Latin America

The Pontifical Legate for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, Cardinal Baltazar Porras Cardozo, mentioned with great joy that, on the other side of the world, Pope Francis strengthens bonds of fraternity, during his visit to Asia, while in Ecuador the theme “Fraternity to heal the world” is deepened. He said this after receiving the letter that Pope Francis sent him where he designates him as his delegate to the International Eucharistic Congress, being held from September 8 to 15.

In his short message, he stressed that, on the celebration of the Eucharistic Congress and the Symposium that took place at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador, Quito is also a light for Latin America.

The reception of Pope Francis’ letter took place on the afternoon of Saturday, September 7, at the Metropolitan Cathedral of Quito, as part of the celebration of Vespers. The liturgical ceremony was presided over by the Metropolitan Archbishop of Quito and Primate of Ecuador, Monsignor Alfredo José Espinoza Mateus, sob, and was attended by the Apostolic Nuncio in Ecuador, Monsignor Andrés Carrascosa Coso and several Ecuadorian bishops and bishops from other countries, as well as authorities from the city of Quito and hundreds of faithful who filled the city´s colonial Cathedral.

At the beginning of the celebration, the Apostolic Nuncio read the letter sent by Pope Francis, in which he designates Cardinal Baltazar Porras, Archbishop Emeritus of Caracas, as Pontifical Legate of the IEC 2024.

In the pontifical communication, Pope Francis points out that it is necessary “that we build together a fraternity to heal the world”, while at the same time we desire it “as a single humanity, as walkers of the same human flesh, as children of this same earth that shelters us all, each one with the richness of his faith or his convictions, each one with his own voice, all brothers” (Fratelli tutti, 8).

He added that, as brothers, considering the Eucharistic love that springs from the Heart of Christ, “let us prepare our souls for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, devoutly remembering also the 150th anniversary of the consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, which will be celebrated next September in the city of Quito, where the Statio orbis will be held on Sunday the 15th of the same month.”

At the celebration, the vice mayor of Quito, Lawyer. Fernanda Racines gave the papal delegate the most cordial welcome and highlighted the commitment to promote the Congress theme “Fraternity to heal the world” in the city.

The Pontifical Legate, Cardinal Baltazar Porras, then expressed his gratitude for the warm welcome given by the Ecuadorian people, who have made him feel at home. He highlighted the preparation process dedicated to the International Eucharistic Congress and the Theological Symposium that took place at the Pontifical Catholic University of Ecuador.

In the final part of the celebration, the Archbishop of Quito, Monsignor Alfredo José Espinoza Mateus recalled that, from this moment on the Pontifical Legate assumes the presidency of the International Eucharistic Congress, he requested the Cardinal be the one to impart the blessing, on behalf of Pope Francis.

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