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You only love what you know

Christian Formation Contents

Believe in the resurrected Christ

The disciples' fear is an expression of the difficulty we all have in believing. It is easy for us to think of the resurrection in a purely symbolic way, as if it were a dream, a memory or a reflection; but it is the same one who was crucified, who today has a new Life.

Do you really believe that Christ has risen?

It is easy for us to think of the resurrection in a purely symbolic way, as if it were a dream, a memory or a reflection. But it is the same one who was crucified who today has a new life. And we? What is our faith?

What is our faith?

If we really want to encounter the risen Christ, we have to once again see the face of the suffering. The resurrection is real! Jesus Christ is present in the people who are on the street, in the people who have no one to take care of them, in those who have no one to be by their side and there we have to find Christ!

Christ instructs them

Jesus Christ wants to clearly show his disciples that his resurrection was an event that had to happen, but first he had to suffer. That's something we can see too: How are we helping people?

Saint John XXIII

“Our Easter is, therefore, for everyone a dying to sin, to passions, to hatred, to enmities, to everything that is a source of imbalance, bitterness and torment in the spiritual and material order. This death is, in fact, only the first step towards a higher goal: since our Easter is also a mystery of life.” (Homily from 1959)

Why do doubts arise in your heart?

Doubt cannot be the only principle of knowledge. We have certainty in faith in the risen Christ because it is supported by history and also by the ancient tradition of the Church. He had to suffer and die and then be resurrected.

Triumphed over death

Today Christ once again sends us this forceful invitation that transformed the lives of his disciples: Do not doubt, it is I, I have triumphed over death! Christ triumphs over every culture that encourages death, destruction and debauchery.

He opened their intelligence so that they understood

That is why Jesus Christ opened the intelligences so that his apostles could understand. A superior light is needed to help our minds understand the mysteries of God, let us remember what happened to the disciples of Emmaus, he had to explain the scriptures to them.

You are my witnesses

In this way we can be witnesses of the risen one, living and faithful witnesses of his message of love. This way we can direct all our desires, dreams and projects towards the first commandment of God's Law: “love him above all things.”

How to live Easter better?

Maintain joy, the daily encounter with the risen Christ is the source of a joyful heart. We remember this every day with the Regina Coeli prayer: 'Rejoice, Queen of Heaven, Hallelujah, for he is truly risen, Hallelujah.'

Be grateful

It is key at this time to deeply thank Jesus, because he made the ultimate sacrifice for our redemption. Being grateful to God is a sometimes infrequent and very necessary form of prayer.

Serve others

Go out of our way for others, follow the example that Christ gave us during Holy Week. It is a good time to begin some commitment to collaborate in you parish.

Rediscover Sunday

Sunday is the day that gives meaning to each week we live and the heart of that day is the Eucharist. Our life becomes beautiful when we live it in friendship with God, without pacts with evil.

How Temperance helps us pray

The Kingdom of Heaven is within you, the Lord said one day. This means that a soul in grace has within it a very rich world, because it has the capacity to have God, One and Triune, Creator of the world, of the universe, the Lord of history.

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Mother of Jesus, who is God(‘s)

Many people during these holidays do not expect the coming of Jesus, but what they expect are gifts and fun. At Christmas, many dress up for the holidays without knowing what they are going to celebrate, because they have taken God out of the way.

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True Mother of God

Why do people forget that God is born in a portal? Perhaps they think it is absurd to be surprised by something that happened two thousand years ago.

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The Genuflection

Genuflection is an act of humility that expresses our faith in an authority greater than ourselves. This gesture shows respect and adherence to our Lord Jesus Christ.

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