
The Genuflection

Genuflexion is an act of humility that expresses our faith in an authority superior to ours. This gesture demonstrates respect and adhesion to our Lord Jesus Christ.

When we enter a temple and see the lamp of the Shrine lit, it means that the Lord is present. According to tradition, we must place our knee on the ground and speak to Him with affection.

It is a symbol that has accompanied our life for many years and is a manifestation of affection, equal to the reality or expression of human love. Whether by respect or by love we place a knee on the ground as a sign of admiration.

“Let me always be attached to your will and do not allow me to separate from You” (St. Josemaría).

At the moment when I genuflected in the church…”If you thought that I was here, you would greet me in the best way” He and I by Gabriela Bossis –Nº 21 Eucharist, 721/

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