
Esmeraldas received the Evangelical Book “Symbol of the International Eucharistic Congress”

Esmeraldas, July 25, 2024

Written by: Fr. Edwin Quinde

On Friday, July 12, 2024, the Evangelical Book, known as the “Official Symbol of the International Eucharistic Congress,” arrived at the Apostolic Vicariate of Esmeraldas after touring various pastoral zones and parishes in the Diocese of Babahoyo. The Evangelical Book was received at the “Cristo Rey” Cathedral in the city of Esmeraldas.

The sacred book was handed over by a delegation from the Diocese of Babahoyo, which included Fr. Daniel Arévalo and other members. Upon arrival, the book was greeted with joy and enthusiasm by Fr. Luis Fernando Criado, Pastoral Vicar; Fr. Jorge Luis Montenegro, vicar of the Cathedral; Fr. Camilo Galvis, master of ceremonies; and several faithful and students from the “Cristo Rey” Educational Unit.

The visit to the Apostolic Vicariate of Esmeraldas continued until July 25, covering different areas of the jurisdiction.

A Visit to Renew Eucharistic Experience in Esmeraldas

In Esmeraldas, the Evangelical Book visited the Trappist Monastery: Santa María de la Esperanza and then returned to the “Cristo Rey” Cathedral, where the faithful gathered to venerate and renew their commitment to faith. The visit also included parishes in the northern zone (predominantly Afro-descendant population). At the Fiscomisional Educational Unit “10 de Agosto,” the Eucharist was celebrated by Fr. Anderson Canga; at the Technical Fiscomisional Agricultural School “San Lorenzo,” the Mass was celebrated by Fr. Nelson Rodríguez.

In the parish of “San Daniel Comboni,” a festive Eucharist was held in honor of the “Virgin of Carmen,” presided over by Fr. Anderson Canga, as well as in the church of “San Lorenzo, Martyr.”

The presence of the Evangelical Book underscored the importance of the Word within the Eucharist, which is life for every Christian, and also served as a call to fraternity, the core of Christian life.

Subsequently, the symbol of the IEC 2024 arrived in the coastal area at the ecclesiastical parish of “Santa Rosa de Lima,” where it was venerated and visited by the local faithful. Fr. Luis Fernando Criado, Pastoral Vicar and parish priest, explained the significance of the Evangelical Book at each Eucharist and how the Word of God helps us to know and draw closer to Him, as all Scripture is inspired by God and useful for teaching, rebuking, correcting, and training in righteousness, so that the man of God may be thoroughly equipped for every good work (2 Tim. 3:16-17).

Finally, in a celebratory and joyful atmosphere, the Evangelical Book arrived in the southern area, at the ecclesiastical parish of “Sacred Heart of Jesus” in Quinindé. There, it was visited by students from the Fiscomisional Educational Unit “Juan XXIII,” who, together with Fr. Jean Marcus, associate pastor, held a Word celebration, asking God for the grace to welcome the Word He gifts us weekly in each Sunday Eucharist. In the evening, Fr. Edwin Quinde, associate pastor, celebrated the welcoming Eucharist for the Evangelical Book in an atmosphere of joy and gratitude for the visit of the official symbol of the IEC 2024.

The ordained ministers and Catholic faithful of the Esmeraldas Vicariate considered it a grace to have the Evangelical Book, “Symbol of the International Eucharistic Congress,” visit Esmeraldas, as it reminds them that the Word of God is a lamp for our feet and a light for our path (Ps. 119:105).

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