
The San José de Chilibulo parish in Quito is getting prepared for the 2024 International Eucharistic Congress with great dedication.

On Saturday, September 30, the San José de Chilibulo Parish, located in the La Magdalena Sector, belonging to the Santo Hermano Miguel vicariate of the Archdiocese of Quito, experienced a day of profound formation and spirituality. At this significant gathering, all pastoral groups, including catechists and lay groups, gathered with enthusiasm to receive training regarding the International Eucharistic Congress 2024 (IEC 2024).

The meeting took place at the parish facilities and was attended by numerous faithful and pastoral leaders of the community. Along the whole day, fundamental issues related to IEC 2024 were addressed. This even is considered highly relevant event. It will take place in the near future and it promises to be a moment of deep spiritual reflection and unity for the Catholic Church.

One of the highlights of the training was the socialization of the first topic of the Base Text Document: “Creative Design of God: Children and Siblings.” This section will serve as a guide and reference for the faithful who wish to delve deeper into the topic of the Congress and understand its impact on today’s world. Participants expressed gratitude for the opportunity to enrich their knowledge and understanding of faith through this training session.

The parish priest of San José de Chilibulo, Rev. Father Marcelo Campoverde expressed his joy for the active participation of the community in this preparation process. “The 2024 International Eucharistic Congress is an invaluable opportunity to renew our faith and unite as brothers in Christ. “We are committed to getting prepared in the best way for this important event,” commented the parish priest.

This meeting marks the beginning of a path of spiritual preparation that will lead the community of San José de Chilibulo to fully participate in the IEC 2024 and share their faith with the world.

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