
Pastoral Agents and Faithful of the Archdiocese of Quito Gather to Fine-Tune Details for IEC 2024

Representatives from various parishes and delegates from lay movements of the Archdiocese of Quito gathered at the Metropolitan Convention Center in Bicentennial Park to review the logistical details for the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress. During the meeting, a registration team was available to assist attendees with the registration process.

Monsignor David de la Torre, Auxiliary Bishop of Quito, read a letter from the Archbishop of Quito, Monsignor Alfredo Espinoza, SDB, which emphasized the crucial role of laypeople in the success of this international event. “We still have time to resolve any difficulties with registration,” he added.

In his speech, Monsignor Danilo Echeverría, Auxiliary Bishop of Quito, mentioned that both local and national attendees will be proud to show the world how the Eucharist is celebrated in Ecuador. He also encouraged representatives to motivate their parishes to register and participate in this global Church event.

Additionally, Deacon David Montúfar, representing the volunteer committee, encouraged attendees to participate as volunteers during the Congress. He highlighted the importance of the support and service that the faithful can provide.

During the meeting, the logistics committee outlined the organization of IEC 2024, focusing on the spaces and activities of the Congress, which will take place from September 8 to 15.

Finally, Monsignor David de la Torre urged those who have not yet registered for IEC 2024 to do so.

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