
The Catholic Church in Esmeraldas on the way to IEC2024

Quito, March 18, 2024

Editor: José Mármol  

More than 300 faithful, priests, nuns, religious and pastoral agents of the Apostolic Vicariate of Esmeraldas, lived with marked religious fervor the day of reflection on the way to the International Eucharistic Congress 2024. The preparation meeting for the IEC 2024, “Fraternity to heal the world”, took place from March 12 to 14 at the San Juan Diego Meeting Center (former Our Lady of Guadalupe minor seminary), in the city of Esmeraldas.

The joyful rhythm of Afro-Esmeralda music, the warm and fraternal welcome of the ecclesial community of all the pastoral areas of the Vicariate, became a balm to create an atmosphere of peace and fraternity to heal the wounds, in a province affected by violence. and poverty.

The preparation day was animated by the Bishop of Esmeraldas, Monsignor Antonio Crameri, ssc, and Father Juan Carlos Garzón, general secretary of IEC2024.

Fraternity table

During the meeting, an intense formation program was developed, with an in-depth study of the Eucharistic catechesis of Pope Francis and the Base Document of the IEC2024, “Fraternity to heal the world”, “you are all brothers” (Mt 23,8) .

When commenting on the Eucharist, Bishop Crameri referred to the third table, as the table of fraternity. As he explained, the first table is that of the celebration of the Word, the second, the table of the Eucharist, and the third table of fraternity, like the table of charity.

After the theological and doctrinal presentations and reflections, the participants continued with the reflection in group work on Eucharistic devotion.

The day of preparation for the International Eucharistic Congress had as its axis of reflection and spiritual experience the Eucharistic celebration, which was animated every day by a pastoral area and presided over by Bishop Crameri and concelebrated by the priests participating in the meeting.

Multiplier commitment to IEC preparation

After the culmination of the three-day day of reflection on the Eucharist and the International Eucharistic Congress, the faithful, pastoral agents, priests, religious men and women of the Vicariate of Esmeraldas committed to intensify the preparation process towards the IEC 2024, with workshops and local training courses in their parishes, communities and campuses, to multiply love and devotion to the Sacred Heart of Jesus and live the Eucharistic Mystery with greater faith.

On the closing day of the preparation meeting for IEC2024, Father Juan Carlos Garzón, Secretary General of the Congress organizing committee, presented the Easter candle, which includes the official symbol of the Congress.

#congresoeucaristico2024 #iec2024

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