
Blog y novedades

July – August
July – August

Immediate preparation for IEC 2024. Deepening of SYMPOSIUM-CONGRESS topics.

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Día de la vida consagrada
Día de la vida consagrada

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Semana de Oración por unidad de los cristianos
Semana de Oración por unidad de los cristianos

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June: Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus
June: Month of the Sacred Heart of Jesus

“Saint Paul VI stated, “We hope that, through a more intense participation in the sacrament of the altar, the Heart of Jesus, whose greatest gift is precisely the Eucharist, will be honored.”

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May: Mary Eucharistic Woman
May: Mary Eucharistic Woman

“In communion with the Virgin Mary, “Eucharistic” woman, with Saint Marianita de Jesús, who gave her life in oblation for our people, and with Blessed Emilio Moscoso, martyr of the Eucharist, let us unite with all human beings.”
Number 58 Base Document

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Archdiocese of Cuenca
Theological Symposium
Mary, Eucharistic woman

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Immediate preparation for IEC 2024
Immediate preparation for IEC 2024

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Base Document reading and deepening
Base Document reading and deepening

In the Basilica of the National Vow, the Ecuadorian Episcopate, the National Government and the People of God will renew the Consecration of Ecuador to the Sacred Heart of Jesus. Participation of parishes and institutions that bear the name of the Sacred Heart of Jesus.

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Jesus Sacred Heart Month
Jesus Sacred Heart Month

“The wound that sin caused caused Adam to break his dialogue with God and the ties of fraternity were stained with the blood of Abel. This wound has been healed by the Son of God with his death and resurrection, whose memorial we celebrate in the Eucharist, the Passover meal of the new and eternal covenant.”

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Families will prepare for the painting enthronement of the Jesus Sacred Heart
Families will prepare for the painting enthronement of the Jesus Sacred Heart

Renewal of Consecration
Cathedrals of Ecuador

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