
“Fraternity is not and should not be theoretical,” says the Archbishop of Quito to his clergy

With the participation of his auxiliary bishops, around 300 priests, the Archbishop of Quito and Primate of Ecuador, Monsignor Alfredo José Espinoza Mateus, sdb, presided over the traditional Chrism Mass this Thursday. The celebration took place at 8:30 a.m., in the Metropolitan Cathedral of Quito, in which the clergy renewed their priestly ministry and blessed the holy chrism and the oils that are administered in the sacraments of baptism, confirmation, anointing of the sick and sacred orders. .

The priest must be a craftsmen of fraternity

In his homily, Bishop Alfredo José recalled that priests are “anointed for fraternity,” which is why he called to be true “craftsmen of the Priestly Fraternity.”

Just as the “craftsman shapes a work of art with his hands,” “…we, priests, are called to be those artists, who think, dream, hope and desire fraternity and who must work, strive and make priestly fraternity a reality.” in our Archdiocese,” he highlighted.

“We are not priests for ourselves, we are priests for others. One day, we were anointed for them and for them we have given and give our lives,” he added.

Look at the Eucharist and from it look at the Fraternity

After stating that this year 2024 is very special for the Archdiocese, for hosting the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, which is underway, Monsignor Espinoza Mateus invited us to “look at the Eucharist and from it look at the Fraternity.”

He called “to dream and believe in our priestly fraternity. I invite you to be active builders of our priestly fraternity, creating stronger and closer ties between us. Let us be those “craftsmen” because our fraternity must be our greatest work, our main task and mission,” he remarked.

Don’t let anyone extinguish the light of your priestly fraternity!

In his homiletic message, the Archbishop of Quito and Primate of Ecuador asked to not be “afraid to share the sweet priestly fraternity that heals our wounds” and insisted that “fraternity is not and should not be theoretical. It is visible or it is not. And it is transparent in communion and mission.”

“Today I ask you: Do not let anyone turn off the light of your priestly fraternity! Count me in. I will be there always and wherever to rekindle, with my heart and my father’s hands, the light of Christ in your hearts. Take care of the treasure of your priestly fraternity! ”said Bishop Alfredo José to his clergy.

In the final part of his homily, the Archbishop of Quito greeted all the priests in a special way, on the occasion of priestly day being celebrated every Holy Thursday. Likewise, he also paid tribute to the priests who completed 25 and 50 years of ministry and thanked them for the life and mission given by those who died in their service to the People of God.

“Happy Priesthood Day! Let us be shepherds with the Heart of the Good Shepherd, with the Heart of Jesus to whom we have renewed our Consecration as a Country,” he concluded.

#congresoeucaristico2024 #iec2024

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