
The Sacred Heart of Jesus, a requirement of fraternity: Monsignor Ignacio Munilla

As a magnificent opportunity for the world to “know that Ecuador was the first nation to consecrate itself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 150 years ago” the Bishop of Alicante demonstrated, Monsignor Ignacio Munilla, Bishop of Alicante, said that to the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress taking place in Quito is the greatest opportunity for the world “to know that Ecuador was the first nation to consecrate itself to the Sacred Heart of Jesus, 150 years ago”. In his presentation delivered on the afternoon of Wednesday, September 11, the Spanish Bishop pointed out that “evangelization” consists in putting at the center the declaration of love that God has made to humanity: “Here is this heart that has loved men so much.”

He emphasized that, “We exist because we are loved by Him! Therefore, founded on this conviction and abandoned to the providence of his love, we repeat again and again with confidence the well-known prayer: “Sacred Heart of Jesus, I trust in you,”.

Monsignor Munilla also highlighted the fact that Ecuador was the first country in the world to organize a National Eucharistic Congress and explained that “fraternity is born from a common fatherhood, from having the same father.” He said that “We call God Father, on a first level, because He created us and cares for us with His providence. This includes all humanity: Catholics, Christians of other faiths, believers of other religions, pagans and even atheists”.

He added that “It is encouraging to see how we can collaborate with people of other faiths, or even with non-believers, in some very important causes: the dignity of human life from conception to natural death, the defense of the family, respect for parental authority of parents towards their children, freedom of education in accordance with the religious convictions of the family.”

He emphasized that the Heart of Jesus is a human school of divine and human love, since it teaches us to love and enables us to love beyond our limited condition.

“Without the proclamation of God’s infinite love that founds evangelical fraternity, there is no possible hope. Without the grace of Christ, it is impossible to heal the wounds of affection that characterize the present time and that are generating so much suffering.”

Monsignor Munilla stressed that the Gospel is “a school to learn to love: “Learn from me that I am meek and humble of heart.”

According to him, it is possible to emphasize six fundamental teachings: 1) Purifying the heart: “It is not what enters through the mouth that makes a man unclean, but what comes out of the heart” (Mt 15:11); 2) Seek the glory of God, not vainglory: “Take heed not to practice your righteousness before men so they may be seen”; 3) Fraternal correction: “If your brother sins, rebuke him first, but alone; if he doesn’t pay attention to you…”; 4) Break the dynamic of anguish, do not return evil with evil: “Do not confront the one who does you wrong”; 5) Do not mistake the wrong enemy. Action of the evil one; and 6) To make oneself small. Simplicity and humility of heart.

Finally, he stressed that, “the image of the Sacred Heart of Jesus is very closely linked to the Eucharist,” since it was in the celebration of the Last Supper in which the Eucharist was instituted. He concluded that, “From the Heart of Jesus flows the Eucharist and communion transforms our heart of stone into a heart similar to that of the Lord,” so that “frequent communion and Eucharistic adoration will be what will make the miracle of interior transformation that we need”.

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