
Eucharist: Source of fraternity in the educational world

Loja, June 4, 2024
Editor: María José Casco

The Eucharist plays a fundamental role in the comprehensive formation of students, since it allows them to get closer to God, as stated by Sister. Dina María Orellana, president of the Federation of Catholic Education Establishments (Fedec) in Loja, who highlighted the importance of the Eucharist in Christian life. “It is necessary to focus formation and accompaniment on faith in this sacrament and adequately train to reach youth.”

This vision was shared by teacher Byron Imaicela, from the Santa Juana de Arc Trust Institution “La Salle Cariamanga”, who maintained that the Eucharist represents a food where sustenance is found both to live happily and for the spiritual dimension of the student.

Sister Orellana and teacher Imaicela were participants in the socialization of the IEC 2024 that took place this Tuesday, June 4, at the José Antonio Eguiguren “La Salle” Private Educational Unit in the city of Loja, by the members of the Caravan of Fraternity. This event brought together those responsible for the pastoral area of ​​Catholic and trustee educational institutions, including rectors, religion teachers, nuns and representatives of the Student Counseling Department of the provinces of Loja and Zamora Chinchipe.

At the meeting, the members of the Caravan of Fraternity presented the activities and objectives of IEC 2024. Rómulo López, president of the Confederation of Catholic Education Establishments (Confedec), spoke about the importance of motivating young people so that they can bring your heart closer to God.

Father Livingston Olivares, president of the IEC 2024 Communication Commission, added that it is necessary to inspire all members of educational communities to actively participate in the Eucharistic message and fraternity in their environments.

Finalmente, se informó a los asistentes sobre los subsidios disponibles del IEC 2024 e invitó a todas las instituciones a involucrarse en las actividades preparatorias del 53° Congreso Eucarístico Internacional.

¡Unidos en la misión de llevar el mensaje de fraternidad!

#congresoeucaristico2024 #iec2024

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