
IEC 2024 symbol tours the Diocese of Machala

Quito, January 4, 2023

The Gospel Book, symbol of the Eucharistic Congress, currently travels through various parishes in the Diocese of Machala, a jurisdiction located south of the coastal region of Ecuador.

The Gospel Book, which was signed on May 24 of last year by Pope Francis, began the journey on December 5, 2023 and will conclude until January 14, 2024 with a Eucharist in the Machala Cathedral and which will also be presided over by Mons. Vicente Saeteros, Bishop of the local Church.

Fr. Johnny Chuya, IEC delegate for that jurisdiction, reported that the route is composed as follows:

MACHALA AREA: the journey begins at the Cristo del Consuelo Church (Christ of Consolation) in the Northern Area, continuing through the parishes: Nuestra Señora de Chilla, Santa Elena, Teresa de Calcuta, Santa Marianita, Cristo Rey, Nuestra Señora de Guadalupe and La Merced del Sur.

BORDER AREA: the route covers the parish communities of: Nuestra Señora de El Cisne, Santa Rosa, La Merced de Huaquillas, María Madre de la Iglesia, San Isidro de Arenillas and Las Lajas.

HIGHLAND AREA: In this area, the Gospel Book visits the communities: San Cautivo de Marcabelí, Balsas, Saracay, La Merced de Piñas, Portovelo, Nuestra Señora del Carmen de Zaruma and Paccha – Huertas.

CENTRAL AREA: the route will also include the Nativity Sanctuary of Chilla, San Pedro de Guanazán, Uzhcurrumi, San Juan Bautista de El Guabo, Virgen del Carmen de Barbones, San Vicente de El Cambio, San Antonio de Pasaje, Buenavista and Nuestra Señora de la Merced de la Catedral.

At the end of the visit, on January 15, 2024, a delegation, composed of the Vicar Father Johnson Maldonado, the Pastoral Vicar Fr. Fausto Tenezaca and the IEC delegate for that jurisdiction Father Johnny Chuya will leave for the San Pedro Tandanacui House of the Diocese of Latacunga. There, the formal delivery of the Gospel to Mons. Geovanny Paz Hurtado will take place within the framework of the Assembly of Pastoral Agents.

This journey of the Gospel, in addition to being a symbol of faith and unifying for the Catholic community, represents an exciting prelude to the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, an event that promises to strengthen and enrich the faith of all the faithful.

Communication office.


#congresoeucaristico2024 #iec2024

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