
Fraternity Caravan began in Tulcán

With the aim of enlivening the Eucharistic spirituality of children and young people in the country’s Catholic and trustee educational institutions, the “Caravan of Fraternity” began on May 27. The tour began at the Nuestra Señora de la Paz Seminary, in the city of Tulcán, socializing the IEC 2024 with representatives of various educational institutions.

During this meeting, Rómulo López, President of the Ecuadorian Confederation of Catholic Education Establishments (Confedec), highlighted the connection between fraternity and spirituality. “Fraternity opens us to the Father,” he expressed. “We must teach children and young people to be more supportive, empathetic and kind, promoting brotherhood through our daily actions.”

Father Livingston Olivares, President of the IEC 2024 Communication Commission, highlighted the importance of the Eucharist in the educational world. “The world is wounded and we need to revive this source of life from the Eucharist,” he stated. «We must not approach the Eucharist only in times of need, but rather maintain a constant closeness. A life without Jesus is an empty life.

Members of the IEC 2024 Communication Commission, represented by María José Casco, Community Manager, and Paul Lámina, Technical Secretary, made reference to the history of the International Eucharistic Congresses and shared the schedule of activities of the Symposium and the Congress that will take place out next September.

The “Caravan of Fraternity” continues its journey through several provinces of Ecuador, inviting everyone to come closer to the Eucharist and to fully live the spirit of fraternity.

#congresoeucaristico2024 #iec2024

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