
EWTN joins the organization of IEC 2024 in Quito

Quito, May 15, 2024
Editor: María José Casco

EWTN delegates visited Quito, site of the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress. During their stay from May 13 to 15, they carried out various activities to advance the organization of IEC 2024.

The Catholic World Network – EWTN team, composed of Enrique Duprat, vice president of production in Spanish; Peter Gagnon, vice president of English production; and Michael Holmes, production director of the media, visited the facilities of the Quito Metropolitan Convention Center (CCMQ), where the Congress will take place.

During the tour they became familiar with the space and its transmission possibilities for the meeting. Enrique Duprat, from EWTN, highlighted that the CCMQ is the perfect place for the Congress due to its space facilities, which will allow people to enjoy a pleasant moment. “For us, it’s perfect for doing the broadcast we’re looking forward to doing,” he said.

In the afternoon, the EWTN team traveled the planned route for the procession that will take place in the historic center of Quito. It will begin with a Eucharist in the Plaza de San Francisco and continue to the Basilica of the National Vow, where the blessing will take place. This visit allowed, according to Duprat, to get to know the city better, which “is beautiful.”

Likewise, they visited the IEC 2024 offices in Quito, where they were received by the Secretary General of IEC 2024, Fr. Juan Carlos Garzón, who presented them with the progress of the organization, including the schedule of the Theological Symposium and the Congress.

During their stay, the EWTN team met with the members of the IEC 2024 Communication Commission. The international communicators shared their experience in broadcasting International Eucharistic Congresses, offered advice and jointly reviewed the planning before and during the Congress.

The EWTN representatives congratulated their Ecuadorian counterparts for their work and highlighted that the organization “is very well organized.”

Duprat indicated that at the 53rd International Eucharistic Congress, EWTN will have three hosts who will cover IEC 2024 in Spanish, English and German, for a global audience.

The President of the IEC 2024 Communication Commission, P. Livingston Olivares, thanked the EWTN representatives for their presence, highlighting that their experience provides a more complete vision of the Congress and will allow for fine-tuning technical details for a good transmission.

Finally, before their departure, the EWTN team visited the Middle of the World, where a Liturgy of the Word will be held with an emphasis on the care of creation.

Recorrido por la mitad del mundo
visita Iglesias del Centro historico
Peter Gagnon- EWTN
Enrique Duprat -EWTN
Recorrido por la mitad del mundo
Recorrido por el Centro de Convenciones Metropolitano de Quito
Recorrido por el Centro de Convenciones Metropolitano de Quito
Recorrido por el Centro de Convenciones Metropolitano de Quito

#congresoeucaristico2024 #iec2024

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